Thursday, April 05, 2007

Don't Give Up

Holy god, it's been almost a month since my last post!

I got sick, and then the parents came for a visit, and I totally got off the blogging train. But do not give up on me, I have plenty to say. I hope to catch up this weekend.

Let's see what there is to look forward to:

  • Baseball season has begun!! - The Yankees won their first game and it was fun fun fun. There will be things to say all season long, I'm sure.

  • My new hair! - My formerly petulant hair has gained some of it's old composure, I will elaborate.

  • TV addiction or serious hobby? - You decide.

  • Temping at the NFL - You know my three weeks with the pigskin will bring a good story or two.

  • Going home to Rochester - I will be spending a week with the denizens of the Greater Rochester area and my good friend Fran. Plus! We are staying at my parents. Good Times.

I'm rubbing my hands together in anticipation. Thanks to those of you who harass me for more posts. As you know, sometimes I need a swift kick in the ass to get-a-moving.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY!! I can wait to stay ar chez Kissack, have your dad check my eyes, and go to the village pub! WOOOOHOOOO